03 December 2005

Apples and Peanut Butter

Before writing this, I sliced myself an apple and scooped myself some peanut butter (is that a compound word?), but like every time I go through this process I am always left wondering if I scooped myself enough pb ( I'm avoiding typing it all out now in case it is a compund word) to make it through the apple slices. I always manage to serve myself too little pb, leaving me scraping the pb off the plate with the last slices. What is the perfect ratio really? I guess it's very dependent on the circumstances; size of apple, your craving for pb...the list could go on. It just goes back to this, and really it's applicable to everything, not just apples and pb: what is the balance? Ahhhh.... life. To explain it in terms of a round object dipped in creamy goopy stuff is a fun tangible way to think of it. God is good, isn't he? That he gives us stuff like apples and pb to equate with life? Now that I made you think , probably not, but definitely laugh (don't think I don't know your laughing at me right now, cause I'm laughing at me right now), I'm going to steer this into another direction.

Currently, I am trying to adapt to the cold. I honestly don't think that will ever happen completely for my person, nor do I think I ever want it to; I enjoy the heat too much. Aren't seasons great? Yet again a great example of something tangible to equate with life. Anyhoo, the holiday season has made me stoked to see people I don't see quite often, thankful for those that I do, and cherish people in my life that have loved me well... once again, God is good!
I'm going back to Colorado for Christmas and it will be good; intentional is the word I'm going to deem as the theme to my trip. Set the bar high for myself I am.

Okay so a few recommendations from the meeks:
If you haven't seen Finding Never Land, you should. It's been added to my list of greats which include, Billy Elliot and Smoke Signals.
Music wise, I have been quite hip to jazz music lately so I'm going to say Stan Gehtz Quartet, and I'm also going to stick with Sujfian Stevens - great music!
And my cereal recommendation is Paul Newman's Blueberry Pecan Crunch, for cold, and for a hot bowl of goodness I'm going to stick with the traditional pipping hot bowl of oatmeal with raisins and bananas.

Like all good things this too has come to an end. God speed and good balancing!

Hey Mader - do you remember the pic? SWEET!