18 December 2008

T is for toilet

This is dedicated to my sister Lia.

3 months ago I dropped my cell phone in the toilet... it hasn't been the same since. Now the battery only lasts maybe 8 hours, 5 if I have a few phone conversations and two if it's on vibrate. It has caused me to miss events, loose my phone for hours on end, and the best part, have meaningful conversations in person. Sure cell phones connect us with our friends globally, but they sure do remove us from what is around us. All that to say, sorry to anyone (especially my sisters) for not calling you back or missing your call, chances were my phone was dead. Hopefully now you will understand, or take pity and help me buy a new cell phone battery.

Life beyond toilets has been going good. I finished my quarter at Portland State University and finally received word that I officially received an internship at a hospital in North Carolina. After a 3 month legal process between the school and hospital it was finally a go this past Tuesday. I leave for NC the day after Christmas. Wohoo! another road trip.

"What else?" you might be wondering.... I don't know. It's late. Maybe I should try writing these when I actually have energy.

Oh and Lia, have a great day tomorrow. You too, Bink.