15 March 2009

oh how fast

As I sit here in the library procrastinating from doing some homework, I can't help but think about what I was doing 1 year ago. 1 year ago I was in Nashville, Tennessee in the middle of a 8 month journey around our country. 1 year ago I was living out of a carry on duffle bag, which included a scrabble board. 1 year ago I had no idea I would be doing what I am doing right now, heck I didn't even know about the profession (child life specialist). 1 year ago I was on my 3 tube of travel toothpaste. 1 year ago I was wearing the same pants I am wearing today (how I know this is because I only traveled with two pairs of pants and I didn't really like the other pair). 1 year ago I didn't know that the year would be the best year of my life yet. Oh how fast the year has gone.