11 June 2007

I would add a picture but...

It has been a handful of months before I have updated this. I know it's sad. But I'm back on the late night schedule. I starting to think after the past two weeks my body actually prefers less sleep. It's kinda neat but at the same time I'm fearing the moment of crash.
I'm up late tonight working on my second job. Yes, I said it... second job. It's actually a sweet deal that allows me to make some extra cash and accomplish one of my life goals. I am writing a book. Okay so it's not an ordinary, let me share my life story, kind of book, it's a study guide for the TOEFL. For all of you not familiar with that acronym it stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language. The study guide is geared toward college students on college topics. It's a silly job but it's a good mix up from what my real job is. Sometimes it's real nice to write and not have to talk. I'm considering on taking the TOEFL, seeing as I'm writing a study guide for it. The fear of failing at the English language is kind of frightening, and possible embarassing.

Other happenings in my life...
I'm moving in t-minus a lot of days. Actually I don't have a count down. I just know it is going to come sooner than I realize and I'm not going to quite packed when it happens. That's a lie, because I don't have much to pack.

Summer is arriving in 5 days (not actual summer, but summer camp summer) and I'm excited slash stressed. I have quite a list to accomplish, but as I continue to learn: the show still goes on and kids still have probably one of the best weeks of their lives. I'm going to try to have the best summer of my life. That might be hard but I think it is doable. I'll just work less and work less. No not really. My job is what will make my summer great. I get to hangout and coordinate medical people and their families; I get to go running and not worry about getting hit by a car; I get to jump in the river instead of a pool if I want to; I live in an outdoor mecca.

I would add a picture of this place and myself but I haven't downloaded any new pics worthy of posting. Maybe next time... hopefully it will be sooner than later.

1 comment:

Lia said...

you will get your bike soon.