25 October 2008


Today I was convinced if I ate a donut with pink frosting (the kind with sprinkles), it would melt all stresses in my life away. Then I realized I didn't need to eat a donut, what I really needed was a big glass of water... oh the simplicity of water. How it fills us like no other thing can.

Side bar: 5 more days until November, 9 more days until we elect a new president, 47 more days until the end of my quarter, and 248 days until the 4th of July... not that I'm counting or anything.


Anonymous said...

When I read "sprinkles" the first thing that came to my mind was The Office...do you watch it? The episode where Dwight kills Angela's cat (aka Sprinkles) Hilarious.

I heart you + your blog! I seriously check it all the time :)

P.S. I'm ecstatic b/c I'm coming to OR in March!!!!!!!

Danika said...

I always think of you when I think of donuts ;o)